A New Adventure

Greetings travellers!

Spoiler alert: I play a lot of video games.
If my head isn't firmly buried in boring university books, you'll find me at the helm of a tatty Dualshock 4 binging the Borderlands games for the millionth time while buried in a sea of Doritos and Dr Pepper.
Nathan Drake, Mario, Kratos, Joel and Ellie, Handsome Jack, Zachary Comstock and Lara Croft are just a few characters who have left a lasting impression on me over the years, and to be presented with the artistry that is weaved into the DNA of each incredible gaming franchise is something I do not take for granted. I am thoroughly proud to be a part of the process, taking the role of the trusty consumer.

I also love writing, as can be apparent by my ridiculous ramblings over on the For Zod and Liberty blog. While I've dipped my toe in the world of virtual entertainment previously, I feel as though video games have such a huge influence on the way I consume media that I wanted to give them more recognition that the occasional blog post on a (mostly political) blog about all manner of things.

I wanted to create a platform where I can write about video games freely without the boundaries and restrictions that come with employment. This means reviews, think pieces, intellectual topics and maybe the odd news post, where I attempt to outline an interesting news story and throw my two cents in.

So that's the plan. This, coupled with the other blog (and let's face it, I'm still going to waste hours upon hours on my new Nintendo Switch, I'm still only human), means I'm going to have quite the hectic schedule. I want to be as busy as possible over the summer, and if I can generate a shred of productivity to counterbalance the time I'll spend running through Hyrule Field then I'll consider this blog a success.

So I guess this is it!
I have no idea who's stupid idea it was to start a video game blog on the eve of E3 2018, but maybe this could be a blessing in disguise. Hopefully with offerings from the likes of EA, Bethesda, Sony and Nintendo, I'll have a wealth of content to write about.
Lucky you.

Until then, gg.



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