The Death of JRPG's
"There ain't no gettin' offa this train we're on" -Barrett Wallace, Final Fantasy VII As the AAA landscape becomes increasingly crowded with high-budget, action adventure titles that take an age to develop and even longer to see the credits, there are a smattering of other genres that get pushed to the wayside. Before RPG's the gaming space was littered with arcade-inspired games like Pitfall, Donkey Kong and Galaga, all exceptional and seminal titles in their respective field but none offered a sense of adventure and storytelling that table top games of the 1970's could with each passing D&D session. There was no doubt, video games had the potential to deliver such experiences, and developers were quick to make that a reality once the crash of '83 subsided. Fast forward to the SNES and PS1 era and we're swimming in top tier RPG goodness, each more epic than the last. It couldn't get any better, and as PlayStation broke the world with ...