The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - My Game of the Decade
Nintendo have never been one to shy away from doing things differently. Ever the innovators, Nintendo never push the boundaries of modern technology, instead opting to throw them away entirely and do something truly unique; often with mixed results. In Q1 of 2017, the Japanese game company developed (in conjunction with Monolith) and published The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ; the first home-console entry in the series since Link and co. took to the skies in 2011's Skyward Sword . Skyward Sword was Nintendo at their most experimental. The game fully embraced motion controls with the inclusion of Wii Motion Plus, an add-on designed to give the Wii Remote a more responsive sensor, and included a far more cohesive story than previous instalments in the franchise. This came at the cost of freedom and exploration, which fans were quick to point out as commercial reception failed to mirror the immense critical reception the game received on launch. It was back t...